The realist.

I am no poster mom.
Being a mother was the last thing I wanted to be.

For a very long time I looked at my daughter with resentment, I blamed her for my marriage. I thought “had I not been pregnant I would not have decided to get married in the first place.”

So there I was 23, married, a mother of a kid I don’t even really want.

Two years later, I had just gotten used to the cards I’ve been dealt and boom! Pregnant AGAIN!!! Kill me now, that was what I wanted when I found out but then I thought…”no wait…this time it will be better.”

It will go better because now I am married, we live in a beautiful home and things are going OK for us. If anything, this baby will complete the picture and make our marriage even stronger. This time I would have the happy, bubbly, picture perfect pregnancy.


I cried for days because I wasn’t ready, I was unhappy as a mother, I had just gotten used to her and now this. My parents were skeptical because a 2-year gap is not enough, “you should have at least waited another year” they said. I was fat and uncomfortable and well…alone. The loneliness never ended in fact, it only got worse when he was finally born.

He was gorgeous. The cutest little thing, just like his sister.

With her though I had so much help in the hospital, they took her away at night and I could sleep. Not with him, he stayed with me and I even had to bath him myself. I had a C-section so getting up was painful, moving from one side to another, even laughing was painful and uncomfortable. I was miserable.

To top it off, his birth marked the end of my marriage. And yet again, I had a child I could blame for the misery I was in.

I was ready to leave my husband and give him the kids too. Every time we had a fight I told him to take his kids with him. I would look at them and think “I would not be sad for long if anything ever happened to them, I would do what has to be done and move on. It would certainly make divorce easier and everything else in my life for that matter.” I was over it all.

That was the darkest time of my life. I haven’t experienced a darker time than that, not even when we finally got divorced.

Today I can still imagine my life without them…totally! And it’s a fabulous life at that lol if I could go back would I change things? Definitely. I would wait, I would be patient and be self-control itself.
Perhaps then God would have blessed me with them and they would have been received in happier times.

If my life went the way I had intended it to then, I’d be married for a year now and probably be 3months pregnant. I would live comfortable in the burbs, 2cars, 1 dog (a golden retriever), my husband and I would be young pastors and my parents could depend on us to support them financially.

Doesn’t that sound good? It is hard to trust God’s plan when yours is so good hahaha but we make decisions in our lives that bring us to a place where we have no other choice but to trust God.
He is God. He remains the same. No matter how dark our lives or our hearts get, He loves us the same…

HOW CAN THAT BE? I don’t know but I don’t want to let go of this perfect God.

Romans 8:38…And I am convinced that NOTHING can EVER separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life. Neither angels nor demons. Neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow – not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love.

