Don’t koppel feelings they say

I say, koppel all the feelings!

I mean, why would I not? The world needs kindness, grace, mercy, tender-heartedness and none of these can be given and make a lasting difference if you have no love. Passion is stirred because feelings are koppelled.

Are those feelings i see???
Yes, to me feelings = love and all the others are sub-feelings.

When I went through those dark days with my ex-husband and I decided to remedy my hurt with sexual immorality. I literally switched off my feelings, never thought that’s possible but I did it. And I boasted about being able to have sex and walk away with no strings – no feelings koppelled.

Do you know what this did? It allowed me to look past the person, serve only myself and to this day I can’t even remember the names or faces of some of the people I encountered during this time.

I was a broken little girl. Smiling, laughing and shining on the outside but inside my heart was in prison and along with it, it imprisoned my soul.

 Ephesians 4:18 (ESV)
18 They are darkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them, due to their hardness of heart.

I cannot tell you when exactly this changed for me but this is what changed:
I accepted God’s undying, unwavering, unfailing and unconditional love for me. Cliché right? Maybe, but there came a day in my life when His love for me became tangible, it wasn’t just words anymore. And I wish I could pin point a single day but I can feel it E VER RY SIN GLE DAY!

How many of you know that when you come to accept it, you cannot keep it to yourself. You start learning and understanding what love is.

I didn’t want to be that emotionally attached girl but I didn’t want to go through life afraid of more heartache. So I changed my prayer….

Proverbs 4:23 (NIV)
23 Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.

Proverbs 4:23 (ESV)
23 Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.
I really like the ESV one

You see, my prayer used to go something like this “Father God, please help me guard my heart, in the name of Jesus, thank you Father God, Amen.” (try to keep a straight face, you know you say Father God 10 times too)

How could He help me if I didn’t even know how to do it or what He meant when He said “guard your heart” I started praying instead “Lord, show me what it is to guard my heart”

No, I didn’t get a dream or any grand gesture from heaven but I did mature in my managing of feelings.

I learnt, without even realising it, discernment – who to let in when and why. 
I learnt that it is my responsibility to manage my feelings and that this is part of healing and growing. I learnt that it is ok to let go of people and things that threaten your emotional stability.

There is one place though where really I think it’s best practice to just not koppel feelings…work (I don’t mean colleagues, I mean actual work)

We have not been given a spirit of fear, remember that? It’s not just a saying, it is actual God words. 

Fear robs us of all things good and perfect. 

My prayer is that you will experience the fullness of God’s love, accept it completely and that you will overcome the fear of feelings koppelled.

Few sidenotes: 
I didn’t say Father God so many times
Don’t koppel feelings basically means – don’t catch feelings


