What would you say to your younger self.

I would tell her to pick her head up.
I would tell her that just because her sin is visible to the world doesn’t mean it is greater than the sin of others

I would tell her to not be bitter that she is unable to hide her sin like others can.
I would remind her everyday (like I do me today) that this testimony she’s in will soon help someone else in their journey.

I would tell her to be patient with God, the testimony will reach and touch lives at the right time and people will be changed through God and His works not yours.

I would ask her to stop judging others because life happens to all of us and we find ourselves in situations where we really have no other choice.

If I saw her right now though, like today…I’d say this:

It’s not only boys that break hearts, friends do too.
If I saw her today, I would tell her that secrets should be kept between you and God.

In recent weeks I have lost two very good friends. And I have to admit, though it pains me lol, that losing them hurts more than I had expected.

I suppose it’s because for most of my life I never had friends, you know girl friends that you share deep blonde and dark moments with, I never had that. Never longed for it either.

Then God blessed me with these two and they added so much to my life, I couldn’t do much else but to thank God for them.

However as good as they are and were to me, they disappointed me. They judged me and they left me in a time I needed most to know that I have shoulders to cry on. Even if it were shoulders of women who can now say “I told you so”

Sometimes we end up in a season of isolation, self-inflicted perhaps but sometimes God-ordained. It matters not how you end up in isolation, what really matters is what you do while you’re in it.

In my isolation I have decided to look back (though it hurts) and learn from it. I decided that I would get back on my knees, read my Bible and hear from God. Because yes, God speaks to me because I am His no matter what you may think, no matter what kind of person you have labelled me as.

What I learnt in these past days is nothing new but it has now come alive in my spirit because of what I have experienced.

  1. Even good people with good intentions will hurt and disappoint you. Put your hope therefore in God – His love never fails, it is unending and it has no boundaries.
  2.   Don’t allow shame and guilt to overwhelm you, lift your head and move on. For there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ. Rom 8…and it is a lie of the enemy that you are not in Christ.
  3.  God’s love for you and His forgiveness is not based on your performance. You cannot limit Him like that.
  4.  So there is no time frame or steps you need to take to get right with God. YOU ARE RIGHT WITH GOD.
  5. You are not perfect; you will make mistakes but you will grow. This is how people see how great I AM because I will pick you up, clean you out and I will not leave you.
  6.  There is nothing wrong with you. Yes, your struggle is not socially accepted like lies and stealing but you will reach people others could never reach because your testimony is different from theirs.
  7. Give up the fight to God, He knows so much better than you. You have cried for someone to take over your life, allow God to take care of your heart for you.
  8.  Everything has a cost, you might have to let somethings go.
  9. Walk and talk with love, don’t crucify others for their sins. Jesus died for that He was crucified so that they may be free…LOVE ON THEM  
  10. “You will overcome by the word of your testimony” …but not everyone can handle it. Not everyone will react the way you want them to.

Perhaps it’s now time…finally, to testify.

