Current status: Online dating

I almost cannot believe that it’s been a year since I last wrote. So much has happened…let me tell you first about my dating adventures!

In the past year, I’ve decided to start dating again…not that I ever haven’t dated…but this time I was going to put serious work into it!
Side note: Hahahahaha, eish, if you have to work for it, then maybe he's not yours….I totally believe in the notion that if God kept him for you, he will come no matter what.

Anyway, now that I am done judging myself, here’s my story:

I was driving home one afternoon and the drive team on the radio had been discussing Tinder. They asked people to call in and tell stories about either their success or their complete misses on the app.

One lady called in and she had been married for 10 years to her Tinder match and one of the presenters on the team told the story of his grandparents, who too, met on Tinder. 
So naturally, I am on the app store downloading this amazing app that has given these people such great successes. I want in!

I got the app, and I loved it immediately…I felt like I was online shopping, only I could choose what I wanted and not worry about looking at the shopping cart and seeing how much it’s gonna cost me, ha! Brilliant.

The app is great, my favorite part is that you can like someone anonymously and they will only know if they like you back. Which works perfectly for my fear of rejection.
There is a Super Like button for you adventurous ones, which notifies the person immediately, whether they like you back or not.

Once you’ve matched with someone, you can start the conversation or wait for them to say hi (I ALWAYS wait for them to say hi lol because I still have a little bit of dignity in me hahaha)

I love it because the app puts me in complete control and even if I find out the guy is a douche after I had already given out my number…the great thing is I can block him on whatsapp etc too.

There have been many matches, many poor blocked men and a good few dates since I started.
Some of the best guys I know, I have met on Tinder. 
The way my match settings are setup, it allows me to meet men who really are looking for someone to spend their lives with. 
This helped because neither of us were out to waste each other’s time.

I haven’t met THE ONE but all of them remain great acquaintances.

It is so important to know yourself before you go onto the online dating scene. There are so many options and if you don’t match, one could easily start with questions like “am I even pretty” “maybe my standards are to high” “am I even worthy of having a person”

You have to make sure you are aware of what your insecurities are. Write down the lies the enemy has whispered into your heart, keep looking at them, and say aloud “ISSA LIE”
It feels dumb but it absolutely works.

When you step onto the scene with the knowledge of self and the acknowledgement of your insecurities, you cannot fail.

Let me grab a cup of coffee so I can try explain to you why I say you cant fail…

Know yourself, means this to me:
I know what I have been through
I know my current emotional state
I know my current financial state
I know what my physical and emotional capabilities are
I know where I want to be in the near future
I know what I don’t want
I know what makes me happy
I know what is important to me

Acknowledgement of insecurities:
If you can identify your insecurities then you have the power over it. You can figure out how to control it and you can begin a journey to embracing it. When you own a piece of yourself, no one else can use it to toy with your heart. The great thing about identifying it (and naming it) is that you can pray over it, you enable yourself to speak to God about what affects you and you make God a part of your journey.

Even if you don’t believe online dating is for you, knowing yourself and identifying your insecurities can really uncomplicate your existence!

Next time I will give you the 411 on the dates I have had the pleasure and dread to go on!!

Eish, my life…its almost a comedy J
