My Moses Moment

I will stop apologising for allowing so much time to pass before spilling my thoughts on this page. 

Lots to write about so I've decided to split them into a few posts...I giggle a little at this thought because it's a gamble with me.

I'm not sure where to start so let's go with the most significant change thus far...we moved! Yes, relocated to a small town just outside of Cape Town. 

Most of you will know that I moved back with my parents when I got divorced in 2015. I've been living with them ever since. In 2019 I decided to leave my job at the bank and use my skills and talent at a local start-up. The world was my oyster and things were great, I was working hard but I didn't mind because it paid off in more ways than one. Until the dreaded state of emergency was called when Covid-19 hit our country. The start-up I was at went into survival mode, I held on for a few months until even my reserve was no longer reserving, and then I called it quits. 

"Rock bottom, nowhere to go but up" that's how I would describe what 2021 was like for me. When I finally lost my car as well I literally had nothing left but the stuff I didn't buy on credit (lol) and my kids.

Side note: I realise I said this one would be about us moving but since we're flowing into my rock bottom, let's continue on this path and get it out. 

I had never struggled to get employed, God has always shown me favour in that way, so job hunting and receiving regret after regret was new to me. Eventually, I went with my tail between my legs to the bank, and reached out to everyone I know there, hoping I'd get something but nope. Not even that was a go. 

God ministered to me about going back. We find ourselves in a tough place and our human nature is to go back (return home, if you will) to where we were comfortable, where we were loved and told: "the door will always be open". We don't realise that the world is constantly evolving, we are constantly evolving and going backwards is not an option. Think Israelites being led out of Egypt. 

For many years I have heard sermons about Moses and his encounter with God via the burning bush. Moses had so many excuses, I can't speak, who am I, I have nothing etc etc God asked him what he had in his hand, and he replied "a rod", to Moses that was nothing but to God it was a significant tool He would use before Pharoah. 

So, after having washed dishes for a caterer, applied to 100s of available positions (avoiding retail with all my might) and having gone back to Egypt, I looked at what I had in my hand. 

That's when God dropped the virtual assistant dream in spirit. The moment I humbled myself, and became obedient to His voice, He opened doors for me. I had zero money left in my account but I had a laptop, I had wifi and I have skills. 

My company isn't fully operating the way I want it to but I have been able to pass work on to other people. I have been sought after by people I thought didn't even see me! God has gathered His troops around me and I have received help with my business from all over the place. 

Don't despise what you have in your hand. Not long ago, I read about 2 sisters who faced similar hardships, they had water, a cloth and some newspaper though, so they started a window cleaning business! 

Don't despise what you have in your hand...and for goodness sake, stop comparing your real life to someone else's social media feed!


