This is it.

I have been told I should blog so many times.

The thing is I really have nothing to say and then so much to say too. I suppose here, much like in other areas of my life, what I need is self-control…one topic at a time, one thing at a time and patience.

Self-Control and patience, things I struggle with.

Last week I decided this would be my prayer. Self-control, Lord teach me to practice self-control and to discern when I am going too far. Teach me patience, so I can gracefully wait on You Lord.

Well, you know what happens when you ask God for help…He puts you in situations that requires the very thing you so honestly admitted you struggle with…not because He likes to see us fail but because He wants us to learn to totally depend on Him, give Him complete control and trust that, after we have prayed, He would come through and be our self-control and patience (fill in your struggle) …so here I am…practicing in the healthiest way I could find.  

Practicing to give Him complete reign over my thoughts and the words that come out of me. This way I know it will always be words of hope and encouragement. 

So that's what this blog will be about, my challenge and mission to control mine self and be patient with God.

