
I find it very difficult to talk to people about my relationship with God. I take the fact that it is a personal relationship very seriously and so I rely very much on the fruits I bear. The only time I really freely share about my relationship with God is in a one on one, when I can listen and respond out of my experience with Him.

You see I am of the opinion that though we all live by His word, the Bible, as a guide, all of our relationships with him are unique. Seeing it this way has me staying in my own lane because looking in from the outside can make me either frustrated or envious or judgmental. None of these are fruits of the spirit and none of them make me feel particularly good about myself.

The Bible is a guide and is the real and true word of God but you cannot read it and neglect building an actual relationship with God. A lot of people think abiding by and living as Gods word requires that that equals righteousness. I differ from this.

How many times have you read a book? Does that automatically mean you know the author? Nope. I have read Sarah Jakes Roberts’ books, listened to her sermons etc. but do I know her? Nope. I know her story, I know of her but she doesn’t know me, we haven’t had any interaction so there is no relationship. There is only me, the end user of what God is doing through her. She has no relationship with me and if I met her today it be pretty awkward because I know of her and about her but I am not familiar with her, I have no relationship with her.

I asked Google to define relationship (side note: Google is your friend)
the way in which two or more people, groups, countries, etc., talk to, behave toward, and deal with each other” –
“association by blood or marriage; kinship. 3. the mutual dealings, connections, or feelings that exist between two parties, countries, people, etc.: a business relationship”

Note that both of these definitions explain something that happens after you met someone. It grows stronger the more you get to know each other (I know this without the help of Google)

So basically, reading the Bible doesn’t mean you know God or that you walk in relationship with Him. Building relationship means you talk to Him, you learn about Him (reading the Bible) and you do your best to please Him. The stronger the relationship, the more passionate you become and the wearier you are of hurting Him by stepping out of His will. The more you get to know Him the clearer His will for you become. To get to know Him and allow Him to work in you means blocking out the noise from outside. You just can’t concentrate when there is noise and all sorts of distractions in your life.

Let this be known: I am not saying you don’t need the Bible; it is an absolute necessary tool for you if you are to build a real tight relationship with God.

Mothers don’t admit this easily…except maybe me…There is DEFINITELY a difference between how I love my kids.

You know why? Because they have 2 different personalities. 
Mase is a bit more dependent and Kate is a faster learner. So the amount of time I spend helping Mase is more than with Kate but the amount of time I spend explaining things to Kate is much more than with Mase…because you see, Mase does as I say (timeously but still) whereas Kate has figured out different ways (sometimes shortcuts) that is not necessarily good for her and may not give her the desired result that both of us want.

Same love but I action it differently, I action it according to their unique personalities.
I believe our relationship with God is exactly the same…. unique to each individual.

When I was married we had, as a couple, other couple friends. With one of these couples the husband had become very friendly with me while I was going downhill to divorce and when the divorce was finalised we started talking again. And I don’t have to tell you that the conversation became pretty explicit every now and then. Anyway, it stayed conversation (not justifying, just saying)

Point is, I couldn’t understand why he would do this when it seemed they have such a great marriage, such deep relationship. To this day I don’t know if they have issues and what they are. And you know what? I admire that, I admire that though I assume there is an issue, I don’t know it because I cannot tell from looking in from the outside.
Likewise, sometimes we look at couples who don’t behave “married” like we see it should be shown by example of Hollywood and IG, and we conclude that they have “trouble in paradise” …fact is we don’t know. 

No one has to do as you do because no one experiences things like you do. 

I don't know what you and God are currently talking about and working on unless you share that with me. Then and only then can I reach into my experience from my relationship with Him, share it with you and allow you to listen with the hopes of getting pieces from it to help you understand what He wants to teach. 

My relationship with the trinity that is God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, may not look like yours but it’s only because right now you’re already at level 3000 and God is still helping me get to level 2700. 

So call me slow but don’t judge the journey.

