Why I LOVE Cardi B

Because I wish I was as strong as she is.

I wish I could walk so comfortably in my truth, where I come from, what I think about and everything that makes me who I am.

All of the above is the reason she flourishes despite the haters.

Random thought: People like her make me wonder about our faith and our relationship with God. Because I have this question: Is it enough to believe?
Cardi B and a lot of others credit God in everything they do. Very often you’ll see entertainers praying before performances but on all standards their lives don’t necessarily reflect anything I have been taught to be as a believer.
So I wonder, do they get points for believing and acknowledging God? Is there a place in heaven for them?
And don’t take this the wrong way, I am not asking this from a self-righteous place….God knows I am currently unsure about my spot in heaven lol joking….ok not joking.

But ok back to my actual thought:

I love Cardi B because I want my daughter to be as unapologetic about where she comes from, what she’s been through and all her flaws that make her beautiful. I love Cardi B because she hasn’t taken any of the blessings for granted. I love Cardi B because she is the personification of NOT CONFORMING.

So yes, I am buying the music, I am listening (without my kids) and I cant wait to tell them the Cardi B story as a lesson some day.

I need more Cardi B christians in church yall….so be you but be you like Cardi B is Cardi B! 

Now come for me, i'll wait. 
